
Oxford Joins Distance Learning Alliance

Oxford University will join the distance learning alliance started last year by Stanford, Princeton and Yale.

Harvard opted out of talks with the alliance last February.

According to Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Princeton's provost, the alliance's four members have also selected a CEO this week, whose identity will be revealed shortly. The first distance learning classes are slated to begin towards the middle of this academic year.


Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 had no comment yesterday on Oxford's decision. But in an e-mail message written last spring, he cited concerns about limited faculty time and "terms that Harvard could not control by itself" as reasons why the University did not join the alliance.

Ostriker said he believes Harvard is still considering joining the group.

"I have spoken to various senior members of the [Harvard] administration at various times, and it is my impression that they are still considering [the question]," he said.

Ostriker added that he "can understand why they are taking their time to make a decision."

Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles had said in an e-mail message in February that "informal discussion about possible future participation will, I'm sure, continue."

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