
M. Tennis Players Dominate Harvard Invite

It was a good time for firsts this weekend during the Harvard men's tennis Fall Invitational.

Sophomore Oli Choo won his first collegiate singles title Sunday, defeating Nebraska opponent Adnan Hadzialic, 6-1, 5-7, 6-4, in a match that was played in two different locations due to three rain delays.

Choo's freshman teammate, George Turner, shined in his first appearance for the Crimson, easily dispatching Cornhusker Fungai Tongoona, 6-1, 6-3, in the "B" flight singles.


Harvard almost swept the entire invitational, but the doubles team of senior Andrew Styperek and junior William Lee narrowly lost in the finals to Rutgers' Akshay Jagdale and Greg Schweitzer, 9-8.

Early on, it looked like Choo would wrap up the title easily. He took the first set, 6-1, and it looked like nothing could slow him down.

Hadzialic responded, however, jumping on Choo's second serve in an attempt to neutralize the serve-and-volley that had hurt him in the first set. He broke Choo early in the set to go up 3-1, and the two played pretty much even the rest of the way. At 5-6, though, Choo double-faulted twice and ended up dropping the set.

After the changeover, Choo came out fired up. He broke Hadzialic in four straight points and both players found renewed energy in their groundstrokes.

At 5-3 in the third, the rain came down for the third time during the match. This time, it was strong enough to force a long delay, and the remainder of the match was played at the indoor courts in the Murr Center.

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