
Radcliffe Press Director Armini Accepts New Post at Law School

After two and a half years as Radcliffe's press guru, Michael A. Armini is moving across Mass. Ave. to assume the newly created position of director of communications for Harvard Law School.

Armini was the senior media relations officer for Radcliffe when the 120-year-old women's college merged with Harvard last fall and transformed itself into the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

"It's been a wild ride," Armini said.


Friday will be his last day at Radcliffe.

Armini will head up the law school's press office. He calls his new job an "amazing opportunity."

He is a proctor with his wife Jennifer in Grays Hall.

At Radcliffe, Tara Arden Smith '96, who was a Crimson editor, will take over the post of media relations officer, and Diane L. Sherlock '78, who was also a Crimson editor, will serve as acting director of communications until the arrival of incoming Dean Drew Gilpin Faust in January.

Meanwhile, Michael J. Chmura, news officer at the law school, will be leaving Harvard for a post at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass.

Chmura could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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