
West Cancels Af Am Course and Takes Leave

Students hoping to enroll in the always popular Afro-American Studies 10: "Introduction to Afro-American Studies" arrived at Lowell Lecture Hall yesterday to find that it would not be offered this semester.

The course, ordinarily taught by Fletcher University Professor Cornel West '74, was cancelled because West has taken a one-year leave of absence for medical and personal reasons.

But the change was not included in the Courses of Instruction supplement handed out to students at registration. Arlene Becella, the registrar, said that her office was "informed quite late about the cancellation and it was after the supplement had already gone to press."


The registrar's office posted the news of the cancellation on its website,

There was no sign or notice posted outside the classroom, however, to inform students that the course, nicknamed "Af-Am 10," would not be offered this semester.

"The class was packed, and we were all sitting around waiting," said Kristen H. Day '01. "We didn't know what was going on."

The course usually enjoys widespread popularity. Last year, 314 students were enrolled in the class, Becella said.

Becella said this type of cancellation is highly unusual.

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