
Stad To Head National College Democrats

Marc Stad '01 reached the top rung of the nation's College Democratic hierarchy last week, winning the presidency of the College Democrats of America (CDA), National Council.

During a conference call last week with all council members, Stad and his opponent, Nate Spoulton of Iowa's Simpson College, faced off with two four-minute speeches. Following the speeches, Stad was elected by a three-vote margin.

Other members of the national council--many of who only recently met Stad at the CDA's national conference or the Democratic National Convention--already praise his vision and ability to work with others.


"I think his role is most important in states where the CDA presence is not very strong," said Amanda Stitt, president of the Michigan chapter. "Pairing up weak states with strong ones is something he's already talked about."

Stad said he realizes that it may be difficult for college Democratic organizations to develop on their own.

"In the less established states, the question is, 'How do you mobilize students to go door to door?'" he said. "How do you get recognized by the state leaders?"

Stitt said that with only 28 states represented on the national council, Stad realizes that it is important to reach out to those who have not joined with the national organization.

Stad said that in his mind the CDA should have a broad range of goals.

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