
Stars Come to the Square, Again

Prozac Nation was simply not enough.

Giant, fully equipped trailers spilling with stars, makeup and directors' chairs and officious assistants barking incessantly into their cell phones once again invaded Harvard Square this muggy, drizzly week for the filming of another Harvard-based movie.

The producers of Harvard Man, distributed by Lion's Gate Films, were squinting up through the gray mist at the faade of Au Bon Pain Wednesday, hoping to create some perfect exteriors for their self-proclaimed teen/crime/thriller.


But if the ABP shot reeked of GoodWill Hunting, the plot of Harvard Man is quite the opposite.

Written and directed by James L. Toback '66 and loosely based upon his own experiences at Harvard College, the film involves the undoing of a star Harvard basketball player, played by the luscious Brazilian Adrian Grenier. According to Toback, Grenier will be the "the new pin-up man for both the gay and straight population. He's incredibly talented and just stunning."

While dating his cheerleading love interest, the ubiquitous Sarah Michelle Gellar ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), Alan (Grenier) embraces a hedonistic Harvard lifestyle and starts a torrid affair with his philosophy professor.

The lascivious Joey Lauren Adams, recently of Chasing Amy fame, pranced along the Charles in many of the scenes filmed this week, presenting her professorial views on her student's life while clearly wanting to hop into bed with him.

Adams, though, has been less than pleased with the filming process in Cambridge due to the unceasing rain.

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