
Globe Columnist Talks Politics, Press

Boston Globe columnist David Nyhan ribbed the major presidential candidates and shared his thoughts on the world of politics and journalism at an IOP discussion Wednesday night.

Nyhan pulled no punches as he discussed election year politics.

He described Texas governor George W. Bush as a "folksy, howdy-doody guy who reads what he is told" and said Vice President Al Gore '69 "gives one less and less reason to be confident in him."


While Nyhan said he supports Gore over Bush for the presidency, he said Gore has many challenges to being elected.

"He's gonna be outspent and outgunned," Nyhan said of Gore.

And Nyhan criticized Gore for not defining his campaign message or taking advantage of the strong economy.

"I kept waiting for Gore to get off his ass," Nyhan said.

Nyhan also criticized Bush for trying to use his family background as a basis for his election.

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