
Intel's Innovator Leads the Revolution

His day could not get any worse.

It was 1971. The 35-year old chemist was halfway across the world in Penang, Malaysia talking up investors for his company, Integrated Electronics. Investors were getting nervous and now, on a narrow dirt side road outside the city, his car came to a grinding halt, stuck in the mud.

The rays beat down on that hot summer day, as the engineer and his crew tried to jar the car loose from a rut in the road.


Others might have surveyed the scene and asked why they were investing in a developing country with little apparent potential.

But not Andrew S. Grove.

His company, now known popularly as Intel, thrived and its product, the silicon microchip, was big.

An immigrant who survived Nazism and Communism, Grove built a company that has survived the vicissitudes of the most fast-paced business in the new economy.

Grove's built-in drive to succeed, combined with an aggressive business attitude and knowledge of the market propelled Intel to the head of the computer revolution and made Grove, who will deliver today's Class Day speech at Harvard Business School, one of the world's richest and shrewdest men.

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