
'It's a Good Moment': Rudenstine Reflects

President Neil L. Rudenstine spoke with The Crimson's Vasugi V. Ganeshananthan by telephone yesterday afternoon. The following is an excerpt from their conversation.

The Harvard Crimson: How do you feel in the wake of the announcement? Relieved? Happy?

Neil L. Rudenstine: I feel, you know, like I did the day before. It was definitely the right thing. I'm looking forward to next year, because there's a tremendous amount still to be done. I'd like to bring some projects home. I'm ready to push very hard. I'm very cheerful. It's a good moment.


THC: We heard you took a walk today. How did people react to seeing you around campus after the announcement? What was on your mind?

NLR: People were stopping me, saying hello. Mostly cheerful greetings. We had nice exchanges about what a good time it's been. And fortunately it's not over yet. Yes, I went out and bought a few books...Since I saw the sun shining, it seemed like a good moment.

THC: People have been anticipating just such an announcement after the Capital Campaign ended, and now that it's several months afterward, I think some people wondered if you were going to stay a while longer. Do you think you took your colleagues by surprise? Was that your intent?

NLR: It wasn't my intent. At the time I said I would be here for 10 years, I don't think I knew whether it would be 10, nine, 11--I think people--given my stage of life--thought it would not be a lot longer than 10 years...There's not much to be gained by postponing [planning]. We have to keep institutional momentum going. I certainly didn't intend to surprise anyone, but I wasn't sure what the reaction would be...

THC: When exactly did you make the decision?

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