
'Greed' Contestant Vows to Save Pudding

Kevin E. Meyers '02 thinks he just might be greedy enough to save the Hasty Pudding building.

Meyers, a Crimson editor and member of the Hasty Pudding, will compete on an episode of the Fox game show "Greed" to be taped May 28. The episode is scheduled to air early this summer.

If he wins enough money, he said, he might try to buy back and renovate the Hasty Pudding building. The Institute of 1770, an umbrella group for the Pudding, signed the building over to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in April.


The building is valued at about $1.5 million and will likely require major renovations before students use the theater again.

"If I save the Pudding, though, we'd have to change the restaurant's name to 'Upstairs with Kevin Meyers,' and each play would have to have a protagonist named Kevin Meyers," he joked.

Meyers will be the third Harvard undergraduate this spring to compete on a game show. Richard A. Cooper '01 won $1,000 on ABC's "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" and Grant S. Quasha '02 competed on episodes of "Greed" to be aired May 29 and June 2.

Meyers does not know whether he will appear on "Greed" or its higher-stakes counterpart, "Super Greed."

On "Greed," a team of five contestants begins by answering a $25,000 question, with each round of questions worth progressively more money. The final question is worth $2 million; on "Super Greed," where every question is worth twice as much money, the tally can go as high as $4 million.

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