
Christian Groups United, Divided by 'Jesus Week'

A prayer service at 8:30 p.m. this Sunday marks the beginning of Jesus Week, an event organized by various Christian student organizations to take place during Holy Week.

During this week--which begins Palm Sunday and continues through Easter--various groups will "inform the campus about Christianity and invite Christians and non-Christians to learn about the different [religious] groups on campus," said Matthew S. Vogel '01, a member of the Catholic Student Association (CSA).

The event aims to bring together Christians who might not ordinarily come together and share in their faith.


Some of the Christian groups most involved in the event are the CSA, the Asian Baptist Student Koinonia, the Harvard-Radcliffe Asian American Christian Fellowship, the Harvard-Radcliffe Christian Fellowship and Christian Impact.

One of the highlights of Jesus Week will be a candlelight service on Good Friday, April 21, to pray for persecuted Christians everywhere, Vogel said.

Publicity is a major focus of Jesus Week, and the organizations are currently trying to get access to publicity boards in the Science Center and Loker Commons.

The groups are distributing fliers and posters to commemorate the week as well.

One flier has a picture of a hill with three crucifixes and says, "Somebody thought you were to die for. So he did."

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