
Campaigning Students Celebrate, Despair After Super Tues.

Bush and Gore supporters elated, McCain and Bradley followers dejected

Though her candidate is hinting that he will drop out of the presidential race, Mattie Germer '03 says she does not feel that her months of campaigning for John S. McCain have gone to waste.

Germer, who served as an organizer for Harvard students who supported McCain, says she can console herself with McCain's victory in Massachusetts.

But students who have spent months working for former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley describe themselves as "crushed" and "disillusioned." Bradley was defeated in every Super Tuesday state, barely earning half the votes cast for Vice President Al Gore '69. At a news conference in New Jersey today, Bradley will announce his withdrawal from the Democratic race, advisers have said.


The landslide victories for Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush in Tuesday's primaries were cause for both celebration and bitter disappointment for students who have devoted months to passionately campaigning for their candidates.

Germer has been campaigning since November and was heartened by McCain's victory in Massachusetts.

'The results from the rest of the country were more sobering," she said.

But she is not devastated.

"It was tough to take, but that's the way politics goes. The American public spoke and that's what we'll have to accept," she said.

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