
UHS Responds to Students' Concerns

University Health Services (UHS) revamped their appointment system yesterday, a system fraught with short-term bugs but filled with long-term benefits.

UHS had implemented an entirely new system in September and upgraded it yesterday. The system is designed to connect patients directly with their primary care provider.

The change was a result of student input as well as staff complaints.


Noah Z. Seton '00, former Undergraduate Council president and UHS reform activist, said that last year, "we communicated to UHS that people would like their primary care provider."

UHS staff will have access to providers' schedules for a week, an improvement over the past. In addition, the screen will show several providers' schedules at once. There are hopes that the changes will make scheduling easier and more effective.

"You will have more access to your provider," said Marion Ryan-Coughlin, health assistant at UHS.

Privacy, an issue in the past, was also addressed.

"There have been a couple of added privacy features," said Marc M. Pollack, UHS assistant director for finance. Among the new measures is an improved system for mental health appointments.

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