
Mayor Galluccio Leads First Cambridge City Council Meeting

Council gives money for library site, city public T.V.

The Cambridge City Council allocated thousands of dollars last night to projects which included finding a suitable site for a proposed library and improving Cambridge cable television.

At the meeting, which was the first headed by Cambridge Mayor Anthony D. Galluccio, the council quickly approved the appropriations in the City Manager's consent agenda and addressed no new business.

The main discussion of the evening focused on funding for the library and cable upgrades.


Assistant City Manager Richard C. Rossi explained the city needs the $10,000 in order to narrow down the group of 32 possible sites for the proposed library.

And council members said they hoped the allocation would help bring an end to the long search process.

"I am so prayerful that by the end of the month we can make a decision on this library," said Councillor Kenneth E. Reeves '72.

The council also approved an order to hold a special meeting on April 5 to discuss the library site.

The second major discussion of the evening focused on the allocation of $50,000 to improve operations of the city's cable television, which currently broadcasts all council meetings as well as various events in Cambridge.

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