
'Poonsters Fail to Ignite Building

Smoke began to waft from the Lampoon castle at 44 Bow St. shortly before noon yesterday, and within minutes four Cambridge fire trucks had rushed to the mock-Flemish home of the semi-secret Sorrento Square social organization that used to occasionally publish a so-called humor magazine.

The culprit, according to Lampoon President Stephen C. Hely '02, was Lampoon editor Jacob F. Lentz '00.

"He finished a draft of his [government] thesis," Hely said. "So he was by himself celebrating and smoking four cigars."


The excess smoke escaped through the windows, and a Good Samaritan called the fire department with reports of "smoke coming out of a funny building across the street from Adams."

When the fire trucks came, a firefighter climbed onto the roof and others got into the building through the side door.

"It looked like a very big deal," Hely said. "I would characterize the incident as typical buffoonery by a lovable 'Poonster."

Hely said he quickly regained control of the situation by comforting the drove of 'Poonsters on the curb and disciplining Lentz.

"We gave him some stern words, but he was just being very exuberant," Hely added.

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