
Harvard Name Isn't Always Enough

When it comes to tenure, Harvard is picky--it only takes the best. But according to recently released numbers, the best may be even pickier--they don't always take Harvard.

Since 1991, 60 of the 200 professors who have been offered tenure at Harvard have said "no, thank you."

When Harvard chooses to grant a tenure offer to a junior Faculty member in one of its departments, they almost always say yes.


But according to Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles, recruiting senior faculty from other institutions can be a much more difficult proposition.

Many professors turn down tenure because they have ties to family and jobs outside of Cambridge. Though the University says it tries to accommodate professors whenever possible, they sometimes cannot.

The Art of Persuasion

Certain departments have been markedly more successful than others in getting professors to accept tenure.

The economics department, for instance, has tenured five senior professors in the past two years, some of whom were in high demand from prestigious schools across the country. The department is also working towards its goal of hiring five new associate professors.

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