
Pfoho Tutor Loses Battle With Cancer

William D. Fahey, a resident tutor in Pforzheimer House for four years, passed away on Feb. 16 after a one-and-a-half-year battle with cancer.

Pforzheimer Senior Tutor Dirk Killen said he remembers Fahey as a "wonderful, warm and friendly" person who invested a lot of his time and energy in the House as a Comstock Hall tutor from 1995 to 1999.

He was a "fanatic for pop culture," Killen recalled, who wanted to share some of his passion with students.

To that end, Fahey founded the Pforzheimer House video library and contributed new books to House collections.

A historian by training, Fahey received his undergraduate education at UCLA and did graduate work in diplomatic, American cultural and women's history at Ohio University. He had been planning to enter law school.


Above all else, he was a wonderful friend to the tutoring staff, and a devoted mentor who "had a great impact" on the students of Pforzheimer, Killen said.

A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, March 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Pforzheimer's Holmes Living Room.

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