
Police Log

March 5:

8:52 a.m.--A morning patrol by the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) noticed that all the stakes in the Yard were uprooted and strewn around. University engineers were notified.

9 p.m.--A caller reported two suspicious people had entered the Peabody Terrace garage. Police located the two men and issued a trespass warning.


March 6:

11:21 a.m.--A caller near Holyoke Center reported overhearing yells of "Get a cop!" and "Get out of my car!" A thorough search of the area yielded nothing.

3:30 p.m.--The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) assisted in the arrest of Ronald Green of Cambridge. Police charged Green with assault and battery with a deadly weapon: a clothes rack.

March 7:

12:37 a.m.--Police responded to a report of a suspicious person in Lowell House. The individual was located and identified as a student's friend.

1:28 p.m.--A caller reported discovering a suspicious person digging through personal belongings in Longfellow Hall. When confronted, the man fled. The caller described the man as a white male, 5' 6" tall, stocky build, with short brown hair, a blue windbreaker, white shirt and brown pants.

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