


Richardson Will Be Deeply Missed

To the Editors:

I read with sadness that Louise Richardson will be leaving Harvard after this year because she was denied tenure by the Government department (News, Feb. 2). Although I have taken only a few semesters' worth of classes in my time here, I feel qualified to say that this decision has needlessly weakened the department and the school at large. Ms. Richardson is a phenomenal instructor, but more importantly, a woman who personifies the type and character of teacher this University needs. I must admit that I am neither completely familiar with the tenure procedure, nor those in charge of administering it. I know for certain, however, that the process has failed in this instance, and that failure has resulted in an immeasurable loss for the student body. I wish Richardson the best, and if the University does not feel she "deserves" to be tenured, then she deserves better than this University.


Gregory D. Henning '02

Feb. 3, 2000

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