
Quiz Show Win Earns Student $1 Million

Harvard Law School student Rahim R. Oberholtzer became the biggest game show winner in television history two weeks ago--but NBC forced him to keep his million-dollar fortune a secret until yesterday, the show's air date.

Over the course of two episodes of the primetime quiz show "Twenty One," Oberholtzer amassed the record sum of $1,120,000.

"It's hard to think that's it's real until you actually see the check," Oberholtzer said.


Oberholtzer's record-breaking win prompted fanfare on the episode that aired last night.

"You are the game show king!" host Maury Povich told him, as blue and white balloons tumbled around him.

Oberholtzer, who is a third-year law student, defeated a series of competitors by answering multiple-choice questions--with subjects ranging from Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to the hit film Jerry Maguire--and expanded his winnings from $100,000 to his wallet-bursting total.

The hardest question, Oberholtzer said, concerned landmarks in Greenwich Village in New York.

"Since I had never been to Greenwich Village, it was difficult," he said.

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