
How Mayor Gallucio Triumphed: Underdog to Top Dog

Anthony Galluccio, Cambridge's newest mayor, emerged victorious after a seven-and-half hour Valentine's Day meeting.

It should not have happened this way.

After needing only one more vote on the first two ballots to gain the mayor's seat, Kathleen L. Born was hoping to finally triumph. But the third vote last Monday night ended Born's ambitions as her star faded and Kenneth E. Reeves '72 thrust himself into the spotlight.


But Galluccio would be the only one smiling in the end, as councillors who had pledged their votes stood their ground during eleventh-hour appeals. And even a last-minute switch by Reeves to support Born could not stop the election of Cambridge's youngest mayor in more than half a century.

It could not have occurred any stranger.

From the Beginning

The story of Galluccio's election begins in November, shortly after the Nov. 2 City Council election.

Earlier in the year, Mayor Francis H. Duehay '55 and former mayor Sheila T. Russell had announced their impending retirements, leaving a wide-open field in the upcoming mayor's election.

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