
Activists Will Work Together

Representatives from more than a dozen liberal campus groups met last night, vowing to work together to promote progressive causes.

The group proposed a 12-day-long

Progressive Activism Campaign, during which individual progressive groups would each be assigned a day to coordinate rallies and info sessions.

"We think we should all be working together," Marc Stad '01, the president of Harvard College Democrats told the group.

More than 30 students, representing more than a dozen organizations including the Black Students Association, the Progressive Student Labor Movement, the Environmental Action Committee, the Progressive Jewish Alliance, and the recently established Youth at Harvard Against Handgun Violence, attended the meeting in Adams House.


The evening began with a discussion of how to best disseminate their message. Absent an umbrella organization for political progressives, publicizing events is difficult, several in attendance said.

Peggy T. Lim '01, the executive editor of Diversity and Distinction, said that student groups can be isolated and that movements like the push for ethnic studies at Harvard "need to come from widespread support."

. She expressed a desire to "create a wider community" of student groups and resources.

Ethan D. Ard '00, an editor of the liberal monthly Perspective, said he agreed.

"We want a way to share information," he said.

The group decided to organize an e-mail list, comprised of top officials from each progressive organization.

They said they hope this list will allow each organization to publicize events, announcements and hot-button issues.

The e-mail list, according to Stad, will create a "strong juggernaut" that will unite the groups and prevent them from duplicating effort on the same cause.

Attendees at the meeting also discussed compiling a progressive resources brochure in order to inform students of the variety of ideas and organizations available to them.

The group plans to meet at least three more times this year.

"Together, we are a stronger body," Stad said.

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