
'Rock' Fans Miffed at Prank

Some skipped work to catch a glimpse of the parade. Some carried signs. But all 50 or so of the wrestling fans waiting in the cold outside 44 Bow St. never saw World Wrestling Federation (WWF) star the Rock yesterday.

A sizeable crowd formed, even though yesterday's Crimson reported that the signs around campus announcing the "Rocky Maivia" Parade at the Lampoon--a semi-secret Bow Street social organization that used to occasionally publish a so-called humor magazine--were not posted by the organization.

At about 2:30 p.m., the "scheduled" start of the parade, people began congregating on the street corner anticipating action. But when nothing happened, the onlookers grew suspicious.


One of the many angry fans, Clint W. Kollar '00, said his favorite wrestling star would not be happy when he got wind of the situation.

"If this is some kind of hoax and they're messing with the Rock's name, there's going to be hell to pay," Kollar said. "The Rock is probably going to be more mad than anyone."

Aaron G. Dumas '03 agreed.

"When [the Rock] finds out who did this, he's going to lay the 'smackdown' on the 'rudy-poo' candy asses," he said.

Confirming the incident was a prank, Ryan McKenna, a public relations specialist for the WWF, said he had no knowledge of any Rock appearance yesterday.

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