
Order Up: Seton Trades The Gavel For a Spatula

At the Kirkland House grill last Thursday night, at least one customer said, with a trace of a smile, that she has noticed a marked decrease in the quality of grill service since former Undergraduate Council President Noah Z. Seton '00 came on board.

"The operation is going to pot. Politicians shouldn't meddle in other people's affairs. It's all about big government," says Lisa J. Wilde '01.

Seton has gone from devoting most of his time to the Undergraduate Council presidency to devoting most of his extracurricular energy to making pizza bagels, moonlighting from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday nights at the Kirkland grill.


"I'm just a humble employee now," says the campus politico who masterminded the drive to bring fly-by lunches to campus.

"It's not that difficult. If you can butter a bagel, you can work here," Seton says.

Outside of the grill, Seton, a government concentrator, is spending most of his time polishing his thesis. He was recently admitted to Harvard Law School, and says he is ambivalent about running for public office after he graduates.

But for the time being, he's enjoying his foray into the food service industry, where he earns $25 for a three-hour shift.

"It's much more fun," he says, comparing his work behind the counter to his work on the council. "I feel like I'm providing a service."

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