The appearance of wreaths on lampposts and the Milky Way strewn across Mass. Ave. means that holiday season is here, with peace on earth, goodwill toward men--and unbearable shopping stress. There's a wealth of stores close at hand in the Square, but it's easy to get lost in the profusion. Save yourself a rough week with this holiday gift guide, with intriguing new choices for everyone on your list.
In a mass-produced world, this delicate, handmade booklet is perfect for the poetically inclined. A small, tissue-and-calligraphy creation that you'll never find at Barnes and Noble. This ancient Irish poem about the friendship between a monk and his cat makes a unique, friendly and thoughtful gift.
"You get Irish history, Celtic mythology and cats," says Louisa Solano, president of the Grolier Poetry Book Shop. A meaningful gesture in a small package.
Price: $7.00
Sold at: Grolier Poetry Book Shop, 6 Plympton St.
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