
As Race Opens, Council Tickets Vie for Votes

Candidates woo voters with fake money, pizza

The race is on.

Yesterday morning, at 12:01 a.m., the campaign for Undergraduate Council president began in a spray of soda, paint and colored posters.

Precisely at midnight, supporters of all five teams of candidates grabbed posters and began a mad dash through the Houses and Yard dorms, racing to cover bulletin boards first.


Following another early morning postering run in the Yard, many candidates ate breakfast in Annenberg Hall yesterday, making a first attempt at reaching the crucial first-year vote. The majority of voters in past elections have been first-year students.

Wearing a flag sweater, presidential candidate B. J. Averell '02 shared a bowl of Golden Grahams with a table full of first-years.

"I'm the golden boy of the UC," he explained.

A couple of tables away, candidate Justin A. Barkley '02 declared his first nine hours of campaigning a success.

"Today was good. We got out postering early and grabbed some good spots," he said.

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