
Soman's In the [K]now

Dear Dad,

$chool is $o much fun! I'm enjoying my$elf and having a $uper time. I knew that $enior year would be hard with my the$i$ and the job $earch, but everything i$ just fanta$tic. I can't think of anything that I might po$$ibly need. I really have become very $elf-$ufficient. And all I a$k for i$ your love and $upport. Love, Me


Dear Son,

ANOther letter! I'm so glad to kNOw that you've become uNOfficially independent. Mom tells me you're doing well in your English classes, but I wish you'd trade NOvels for science textbooks -you should take classes in astroNOmy, oceaNOgraphy and ecoNOmics. Have you been to the NOrth End? I hear they have great canNOlis down there. Anytime you need anything, do NOt hesitate to write! Love, Dad


Hooray for Tryptophan! That glorious amino acid which makes our spirits light and eyelids heavy is also a major ingredient in turkey-hence, after each successive dose of turkey cold cuts, roast turkey, turkey sandwiches, or turkey tetrazini, we find our lazy selves giggling and mirthful over the most inane of things. In this haze of holiday cheer, I spent the four days catching up on my pop culture, but when it was all over, I felt a lingering discomfort in my stomach (maybe it was the butternut squash?). I felt like the wool had been pulled over my eyes-as if something wasn't quite right. I thought and thought and thought... And then I figured it out.

Gasp! We're moving backwards.

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