
Faculty, Students, Nation Await Decision From Florida

Students frustrated by delayed result

"Can you believe this?"

The cry echoed throughout the Harvard campus as the first bells of the morning rang from atop Memorial Church.

Although most were exhausted after a night of waiting for excruciatingly slow returns from the polls, few were without an opinion.


"Deep down, I'm very afraid," said Lindsay S. Greene '03.

The sophomore said that although she is not a "Gore supporter," she voted for Vice President Al Gore '69 because she felt closer to his stance on most of the issues.

Gore supporters certainly have been on an emotional roller coaster for the past two days.

"We were gleeful when we thought we had Florida, depressed when that was taken away, and now, we've been left in a state of twilight and suspense," said Marc Stad '01, president of the Harvard College Democrats.

Supporters of Governor George W. Bush maintain that for them the swing was not as drastic. They are confident that their candidate will pull through after the mandatory recount in Florida.

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