
Students Take to the Campaign Trail in Final 72 Hours

As the candidates began the final push towards Election Day, they are receiving plenty of help from supporters.

Over the past two days, Harvard students have spread out over New England, making a last-minute push to get voters excited and interested in tomorrow's general election between Vice President Al Gore '69 and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.


The Democrats

For the Harvard-Radcliffe Democrats, the weekend's festivities began with a "Red, White and Blue" party on Friday night in Quincy House.

"Campaigning takes a lot of work, so we wanted people to have fun," said Sonia H. Kastner '03, projects director for the Harvard Democrats.

With Massachusetts polls showing Gore and U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy '54-'56 safe in their election bids, the Harvard Democrats turned their eyes northward.

The next morning, about 30 Harvard students joined Boston-area college students in stumping for votes in New Hampshire, where polls show a toss-up for Gore and Bush.

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