
Student Sexually Assaulted in Yard Dorm Room

A female undergraduate was sexually assaulted by an unknown attacker in a Yard dorm early Thursday morning, according to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD).

The victim described her attacker as a six-foot tall white male with crew-cut hair. No further description was available, as the attack occurred in a student's darkened dorm room, Riley said.

He said police officers believe the dorm room where the attack occurred was unlocked. No weapon was used in the assault.


"We have no reason to believe the attacker was an insider, and we have no reason to believe the attacker was an outsider," HUPD Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley said. "However, it was committed in a residence hall."

There are no suspects at this time, he said.

Because the victim filed a police report on the condition of anonymity, Riley declined to release the location or specific circumstances of the attack.

"We're trying to restrict the information as much as possible," he said.

The term sexual assault encompasses a variety of crimes from indecent assault to rape. Riley declined to comment on the nature of this assault.

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