
Police Log

Oct. 27:

2:51 a.m.--A caller reported that he had seen two students enter Mower Hall with a sign taken from a Harvard Square store. The Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) located the sign in a dorm room. The room's residents said that they had found the sign and had taken it for safekeeping.

3:46 p.m.--HUPD responded to a call from City Sports, where a clerk reported that a suspect in a past theft was in the store. The subject was gone upon the officers' arrival.


Oct. 28:

12:48 a.m.--During a party in Currier House, the DJ's smoke machine activated the fire alarm. The Cambridge Fire Department (CFD) responded and the party was shut down.

1:38 a.m.--A group of students stopped an officer to report that a dark motor vehicle pulled up alongside them. The driver got out and came over to them with a stun gun; he then fled without incident.

4:29 a.m.--A guard at the Kennedy School of Government reported a person trespassing on school grounds. HUPD located the individual and requested a Cambridge Police Department translator to assist in the interview. The subject was issued a trespass warning.

5:08 a.m.--A caller reported a group of 20 MIT students trespassing inside Weld Hall. An officer located the group, who had gone inside to stay warm and escorted them from the building.

Oct. 29:

2:32 p.m.--A caller reported a burning chair in Adams House. An officer determined the chair was a play prop and had just been made to appear burned.

4:04 p.m.--Officers were dispatched to remove a squirrel from Lowell Lecture Hall. The squirrel was located and removed.

Oct. 31:

11:06 p.m.--A student reported that three teenagers were trying to enter Weld Hall with a carton of eggs. The three youths had threatened the student when he stopped them. Officers searched the area but could not find the suspects.

November 1:

9:08 p.m.--HUPD assisted the Massachusetts State Police in searching for an assault suspect. About half an hour earlier, a female was assaulted on the bike path along the Charles River on the Boston side, adjacent to the North Harvard Street Bridge. Without saying anything, the suspect struck the victim in the back with a bat-type weapon. The victim described the suspect as a black male in his mid-20s with a medium complexion, dreadlocks, a bushy one inch long beard and mustache, husky build and dark baggy clothing.

Nov. 3:

9:40 p.m.--A fire alarm interrupted a concert in Paine Hall. CFD responded on foot from their headquarters near Memorial Hall. The Radcliffe Pitches continued the concert outside.

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