Tomorrow, as we sit at dinner tables across the nation, break bread with our kin and reap the delectable benefits of this year's sumptuous harvest, we will give thanks for a year that has been so kind to so many. We will thank our mentors for guidance, our teachers for wisdom, our friends for loyalty and our parents for support. We will reflect on all we have to be grateful for, and we will think that by expressing our gratitude we will absolve ourselves of our Thanksgiving duty.
In this last respect, we will be wrong.
Thanksgiving should remind us not just to thank, not just to express our most humble gratitude and then return to the rote and rhythm of our everyday lives. Instead, Thanksgiving should remind us to act. It should remind us that we owe thanks not only for the good will and fortune that have befallen us, but also, and more importantly, for the good deeds which others have blessed us with, for the selfless acts of kindness and love they have deliberately employed to enrich our lives. As such, Thanksgiving should compel us to reciprocate that selflessness, not only tomorrow, but every day of the year.
Therefore, this Thanksgiving each person, each one of us, should do more than give thanks. Each person should give of herself so that all others might also have something to be grateful for.
This Thanksgiving and in the days that follow,
Tell someone you believe in them.
Tell someone you love them.
Tell someone you're sorry.
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