
Council To Kick Off 'Days of Dialogue' After Thanksgiving

Though scaled back and postponed since October, the Undergraduate Council will at last hold a three-day "Days of Dialogue" event next week, fulfilling a major initiative of council President Fentrice D. Driskell '01.

Driskell announced at the council's meeting Sunday night that the events, which will include panel discussions on topics ranging from rape and sexual assault at Harvard to the role of religion on campus, will be held from Nov. 28 to 30.

President Neil L. Rudenstine, in a rare joint effort with the council, will make an appearance at an open town hall meeting with students on Nov. 30. Associate Dean of the College David P. Illingworth '71 will also attend the event.


Driskell said she is very excited about the events.

"It's a good idea. People are beginning to rally behind it and take it seriously," she said.

Driskell's dialogue events were originally scheduled to last a week and take place in mid-October, but the Council postponed them due to scheduling conflicts.

"Trying to find locations for the events was a big problem," Driskell said. "And in order to make it as big of an event as we hoped, we needed more time."

Although other organizations hold discussion-based events of their own, the council hopes the "Days of Dialogue" will bring the whole campus together since it is supported by the council and an array of campus organizations including the Black Student Association, Harvard Hillel and the Women's Leadership Project.

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