
Men's Swim Team Looks to Renew Dominance

Certain sporting events traditionally occupy the minds of Harvard fans, with The Game topping the list. Amidst all the Harvard-Yale hype, it is easy to overlook one of this school's most dominant programs--men's swimming.

The No. 19 Crimson has captured five straight Eastern Championships and begins its quest for a sixth tomorrow in a dual meet against Army and Columbia. With solid personnel and remarkable team camaraderie, the Crimson seems in good position to pull it off.

Harvard returns 26 lettermen, including three All-Americans, to a squad that went undefeated (9-0) in meets last year. It won the UVA Invitational, Eastern Championships and placed 26th at the NCAA Championships. Consequently, Harvard starts the year with a strong preseason ranking.


"There's no reason why we shouldn't win our sixth straight Easterns," co-captain Mike Groves said. "We have a solid team."

At the head of a talented squad is senior Will Oren, who peaked at fifth overall at the Olympic trials in the 200-meter butterfly. Also returning is sophomore Dave Shevchik, an All-American who tied for the 2000 Moriarty Award, given to the highest scorer at the Eastern Championships.

In fact, the Crimson swimmers are basically strong in every event.

"We had 11 guys at Olympic trials this past year," Coach Tim Murphy said. "They're coming off a good summer of training and racing."

In the butterfly, Oren and juniors Kyle and Ryan Egan, who placed first ands second, respectively, in the 200-meter event of the 2000 Easterns, look to once again dominate the competition this year.

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