
Diversity Lacking in Expos Program

In her Expository writing course on African-American literature this spring, preceptor Suzanne Lane is unlikely to recount experiences from her own life as an ethnic minority.

That is because Lane is white. And so are all but two of her 41 colleagues in the expository writing program.

And though Lane has a PhD in African-American studies, even she admits that a degree is not a substitute for personal experience.


"Who we are is shaped by cultural forces, and race can be one of those," she says. "There is no point in thinking that that I would teach the class in the same way as an African American person would."

The expository writing department has for years been devoid of minority representation, but not for lack of trying.

"[Diversity] is an ongoing problem, not simply for Expos, but for the University," says Director of Undergraduate Education Susan Pedersen. "The answer for Expos is certainly going to be to continue to try to make the position of preceptor more attractive and continue to recruit vigorously."

But the problem of minority recruiting is not one that is easily solved, says Sosland Director of Expository Writing Nancy Sommers.

Expos officials are aware of the numbers and have been recruiting without success for year.

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