
What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

"There was this man in a motorized wheelchair staring at me. I asked him if he was okay and he started chasing me."

--Caitlin K. Rollins '02


"I woke up [on my birthday] and I had been duct taped to my bed. They were taking pictures of me."

--Tracey J. Kim '02

"I got attacked by a chicken. They fly at you with these claws."

--Megan E. Koch '01

"I was babysitting and someone who had escaped from prison was running around in the backyard."

--Amy K. Bei '03

"I was in a van with other kids when we lost our brakes and flew off a bridge. We landed in the river bed 15 feet below."

--Denise J. Rosetti '02

"I got mugged in El Salvador and I had to surrender my shirt. I spent the rest of the day half-naked."

--Benjamin N. Krutzinna '03

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