
The Usual Haunts

Students' Halloween plans tend to the traditional

Harvard is not renowned for its lively party scene, and Halloween is no exception. While Tuesday will be one of the wildest social events of the year for most campuses, for many students at Harvard, Halloween will be a tamer affair.

With just a few days until the holiday, many students seem non-committal about the holiday and haven't made firm plans for the evening, although some have decided to celebrate over the weekend instead.

One obvious choice is parties. The traditional Adams House Masquerade is expected to draw hundreds of students, many of whom--if tradition holds--will be turned away at the door. Others are seeking out alternatives.


"I'm probably going to the heaven and hell party," says Roxanna N. Curto '01.

For those who want to relive their childhood days, trick-or-treating is a perennial favorite. As Corina C. Franklin'01 put it, "Why not go trick-or-treating?"

It doesn't have to be childish, students say.

"We are going to party like wild women and then go trick-or-treating," says Sarah E. Tavel '04.

More socially conscious peers are combining fun with community service. Alice O. Wong'04 plans to take elementary school students at Fresh Pond Enrichment Program out for the evening. And Jordan A. A. Bar Am '04 says he is organizing a group to go trick-or-treating to raise money for UNICEF.

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