
This Weekend in Theater

Remember when you learned about King George III in elementary school? Well, you ain't heard nothing yet. Turns out the good king went mad shortly after the American Revolution, and his lapse into insanity and subsequent recovery form the basis of Alan Bennet's riotous comedy The Madness of George III, now playing on the Loeb Mainstage. A costume drama, a period farce and a history lesson (or at least a lesson in one of history's most amusing footnotes), Madness is sure to please.

And if you're looking for another kick of madness this weekend, check out The Insanity of Mary Girard by Lanie Robertson in the Loeb Experimental Theater. For more information on the show, check out the review featured on today's theater page.


More interested in reason than insanity? Then consider this year's Freshman Theater Project: Arcadia by Tom Stoppard, now playing in the Agassiz Theater. Chaos theory, the squabbles of literary historians and Romantic theories of landscaping-leave it to Stoppard to turn them all into a play both funny and moving.

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