
Campaign Advisors Spar on PBS

Following Tuesday's presidential debate, Harvard held its own roundtable discussion at a filming of PBS's Charlie Rose Show at the Institute of Politics last night.

The show featured four panelists from the campaigns of Vice President Al Gore '69 and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and focused on potential scenarios and issues the candidates will face in office.

Panelists included Stephen Goldsmith, domestic policy advisor to the Bush campaign, Robert G. Hubbard, an economics advisor to the Bush campaign, Elaine C. Kamarck, a senior policy advisor to the Gore campaign who teaches at the Kennedy School and Greg Simon, a senior advisor to the Gore campaign.


The panel was peppered by lively responses on issues from tax cuts, education, abortion, Internet technology and censorship and Social Security.

While the panelists clashed on many of the issues, reached a middle ground on some issues, like musical lyrics, which they agreed should never be censored, even as Goldsmith said some lyrics should be condemned.

The issue that was most contentious throughout the debate was the Republican tax cut plan. Both Simon and Kamarck repeatedly brought up problems they saw with the a broad-based tax cut.

"A million dollar exemption is good enough for most of us," Simon joked.

Goldsmith said the tax cut plan benefited all parties involved.

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