
City Halts Development By the Charles River

The City Council formally approved a moratorium on development in the Riverside neighborhood, delaying Harvard's plans for a museum on the Charles River.

Councillors passed the Loose Moratorium, effectively halting development on the southern edge of campus for 18 months. The council also passed an order calling for the city to fund a planning study analyzing growth concerns in Riverside.

The University had presented plans to residents for a modern art museum in the neighborhood, but there was vocal opposition. Several residents said development would block open access to the Charles River and would have had adverse traffic and ecological impacts on the area.


Harvard officials have said a moratorium is not needed because they do not plan to begin any construction in the next two years.

But residents last night said the moratorium would give them time to organize a neighborhood group, so that they would feel more secure when listening to Harvard's proposals.

"We want to first form our group so we can make a more unified front," said resident Cob Carlson.

Last night's vote was mostly a formality, since most councillors had said they would support the measure at an ordinance committee meeting this summer. The city planning board, however, recommended last month that the moratorium not be passed.

Councillors voiced almost unanimous support for the moratorium last night, saying the neighborhood needed more time to study the area before accepting development plans.

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