
Goin' Bohlen

Who'd a thunk it?

Next Sunday, the St. Louis Rams and the Tennessee Titans will meet in the Super Bowl in Atlanta in what is the most unlikely of showdowns.

It's not unlikely just because no one thought these two teams had a chance in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks before the season; it's most unlikely because just a few years ago, St. Louis and Nashville didn't even have NFL teams.


After the Los Angeles Rams got up and moved in 1995 and the Houston Oilers packed their bags in 1997, changing their name last year, both teams' fortunes began to reverse.

And while the players on both teams are surely happier than a dog in a butcher shop, the real winners are the fans in both cities.

It's not often that St. Louis and Nashville sports fans get the chance to cheer a potential title-winning professional team in any sport. In fact, Nashville has never won a professional sports title.

Although the Music City had the University of Tennesse football team two years ago when Peyton Manning was prepping for life in the NFL, and the Volunteer women's basketball team is always in the thick of things, the town just recently joined the big boys in becoming a major-league city.

Sure they might think that the love the Volunteers and go crazy for Dollywood, but from a national perspective, there ain't nothing like winning the Super Bowl.

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