
College Dems Work To Keep White House

As the Harvard College Democrats held their introductory meeting last night in Ticknor Lounge, they presented a unified front aimed at keeping a Democrat in the White House after the 2000 elections.

Whether that Democrat will be former senator Bill Bradley or Vice President Al Gore '69 is far from decided, and student groups supporting each candidate are currently developing as they try to make their mark on Harvard's campus and several highly contested primaries.

Students for Bill Bradley contacted Director of Student Activities Susan T. Cooke about forming an independent student group in early September. According to Cooke, the group was encouraged to work under the umbrella of the College Democrats.

"We initially talked to a couple of different campaign groups," Cooke said. "We suggested that if they could keep it within the College Democrats or Republicans, that would be best."


Members of Students for Bill Bradley said that they were directed to work under the College Democrats because the Dean of Students office was concerned that the club would only exist until next November's elections.

Luke P. McLoughlin '00, co-founder of Students for Bradley, said that his group's relationship with the College Democrats has been beneficial to the Bradley campaign's efforts.

"So far it's been a very good situation, but the situation as we have it could, in theory, put the College Democrats' leadership in some difficult positions," McLoughlin said.

"My impression is that much of the College Democrats' leadership has lined up behind Gore, but that hasn't been a problem so far," he added.

McLoughlin and Cooke are meeting today to discuss the role of Students for Bradley on campus and within the College Democrats.

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