
Hochman Named to Glamour List

While most students will spend today shopping classes and eating fly-by lunch, Dafna V. Hochman '00 will spend the afternoon being wined and dined by Glamour Magazine in New York City.

The trip to New York--along with a $1,000 prize--is the payoff for being chosen one of the "top ten college winners of 1999" by the magazine.

Hochman said she and her twin sister, Yale senior Dalia Y. Hochman, who also won the award, applied "as a joke."

"We thought it was really funny and never expected to hear anything back," she said.


Dafna Hochman said she sent in her application--including an essay and a letter of recommendation--during January, and did not hear back from the magazine for months, until the day before they wanted to take her picture for the story.

She thought the novelty of a Harvard-Yale twin pair helped her win the award.

"I think the magazine really liked the twin aspect," said Hochman, who is a social studies concentrator and an Adams House resident.

But Jonathan Small, the Glamour editor who was in charge of the project, said the editors were wowed by the pair's credentials.

"It helped that they were twins but they were both impressive in their own way," Smalls said. "It's just kind of cool that they were twins, especially that one went to Harvard and one to Yale--A little sibling rivalry," he said.

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