
Berkowitz's Appeal Process Spanned 1998-99 Academic Year

During the academic year 1998-99, Associate Professor of Government Peter Berkowitz's tenure appeal saw a lot of action and few results. While a

mutually satisfactory resolution remained elusive, Berkowitz and Harvard administrators struggled to maintain cordiality through a series of

face-to-face and virtual confrontations.

If nothing else, Berkowitz's campaign to win a new hearing for tenure has demonstrated that there's a role for the Internet in today's academic disputes.


From the scores of e-mails exchanged between the associate professor and various University officials to the official Berkowitz Web site, virtual connections and forums have woven a trail of records, open to all, throughout the case.

While sating the community's curiosity, the availability of almost every missive, statement and document relating to Berkowitz's tenure appeal may have irked the University, which has stamped much of its correspondence "personal and confidential" only to see it appear at the Berkowitz home page, http://cyber.harvardedu/eon/evidence/berkowitz.html.

The Internet site was launched by Weld Professor of Law Charles R. Nesson '60, who has been Berkowitz's ally, adviser and confidante since April 1997, when President Neil L. Rudenstine decided not to grant the junior professor tenure.

From the University's vantage, despite the publicity afforded by the Web site--a minor annoyance for Harvard, which is accustomed to secrecy in its internal proceedings--the year has ended with vindication.

Two weeks ago, an elected Docket Committee of the Faculty found Berkowitz's formal grievance, filed with Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Jeremy R. Knowles on Jan. 6, to be "clearly without merit."

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