Continued growth in the number of the Faculty women and "encouraging increases" in the number of tenured miniority Faculity were the highlights of the University's annual affirmative action report, presented to the Faculty Council yesterday.
The Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS) met last year's goal with the promotion of one black Faculty members to a tenure position-- and exceeded its goal for women Faculty giving tenure to six professors.
The report is an except from a longer document required to be to be filed annually with with the federal government. The increase are concentrated in the Humanities and social science with no growth in the female tenure ranks in the natural sciences.
The report singled out the singled out the anthropology department for praise for apponting two women to tenure positions.
Yet Secretary of the Faculty John B.Fox Jr. '59 noted that the number at tenured minority Faculty members at Harvard continues to lag behind peer institutions.
"At the tenure level, a we're below the middle of the range," he said.
According to the report, only 7.6 percent of senior Faculty members are members of miniorty groups. With 58 positions, women make up 13.4 percent of tenured Faculty positions.
And Sollors pointed out that much of the growth in tenured black Faculty has come through the appoinments of the Afro-American studies department .
"When I look around the whole Faculty--[and] I've been here 15 years--it's an amazing fact that so much of the minority Faculty hiring has taken place exclusively in the Alfo-American studies department," he said.
Sollor encouraged the University to continue to increase the ranks of minority Faculty, and to focus on growth in new areas.
Richards professor of Chemistry Cynthia M.Friend, also a member of the council, said minority growth in certain areas, especially the science , can be difficult.
"There are not as many minoritycandidates," she said. "If you havean excellent minority candidate, they will be highly sought after. a department would have to go out of their way to attract that candidate. It has to be an active process, not a passive."
Departmental efforts to recurit minority professors who have their choice of academic offers have been aided by the President's Outreach Fund. According to the report, the money provides funds for"over budget" appiontments in depqartments where women and minorites are traditionally underrespresented.
The report shows that the numbers of the women and minorities in the ranks of so-called "ladder Faculty"--assistant and associate professors--are considerably higher. Women make up over one-third ofthe Faculty's 172 ladder Faculty, while minorities comprise 15.1 percent of the same group.
"as in the case of women, the absolute number of minority scholars in the untenured ranks has remined nearly constant over a period in which the total numberof untenured Faculty hasd declined by some 20 percent over five years," the report said. "The continued success of efforts in this area is significant, especiallyin light of the very attractive offers often received by outstanding minority scholars from other institutions."
The report, which restates Harvard's commitment to diverifying its Faculty ranks, encourages departments to aggerssively recruit underrepresented groups. Including among the report's specific sugestion are widespread advertising of Faculty postions and increased consultation with other institutions about potential qualified candidates.
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