As Follows

>=As Follows: FM makes minor editorial changes. This February, Fifteen Minutes received a mailing from the Department of State, U.S.A.

>=As Follows:<= publishes primary source material. (Documents printed in this section are realaFifteen Minutes does NOT author the copy.) Where necessary,

FM makes minor editorial changes.

This February, Fifteen Minutes received a mailing from the Department of State, U.S.A. Among the contents: a letter from Madeline K. Albright urging FM to educate readers about travel outside the U.S. At the request of the Secretary of State, FM reprints an official Department of State flyer. The document reads as follows:

Going Abroad?

Thinking about making some quick money?

Think again!

If someone offers you a free vacation and a big chunk of cash just for bringing back a suitcase or package no questions askeda-Remember:

*Drug laws abroad are very strict.

*When you leave the U.S., you leave our laws behind.

*The police are waiting for you.

*The police are watching for American tourists carrying drugs.

*You will not be released on bail.

*You will be thrown in a crowded jail cell.

*You will not have access to a modern shower or toilet.

*You will be given food that is not fit to eat.

*When sick or injured, you may not get adequate medical care.

*You will not see your loved onesa-your parents, your children, your friendsa-for a long, long time.

*You will be fined thousands of dollars.

*You will stay in jail for years and years.

You will be blamed for anything in your suitcase, no matter who puts it there. Ignorance is no excuse. If it s in your suitcase, it s your crime, and you will do the time.

This message is brought to you by the U.S. Department of State