Weezer, the mid 90s staple in alternateen garage rock, has returned in its alter-ego form, The Rentals, and this time the results are promising. In Seven More Minutes, headman Matt Sharp convincingly demonstrates a wealth of creativity and originality underutilized in his subdued role as bassist and back-up vocalist for Weezer. The Rentals' first album, a minimally successful self-titled release, contained the primordial elements of electronically influenced guitar rock in the radio hits "Friends of P." and "Move On" that are fully realized here. Sharps' nonchalant vocals and silly lyrics are melodiously complemented by the omnipresent, wispy voice of Petra, Hayden, creating an eerie, guitar-driven, foot-tapping rock surrealism. Despite losing Pat Wilson, the bald, droky drummer from Weezer, Sharp has brilliantly succeeded by relying on sampling, electronic beats and the Moog to provide a unique rhythm section. Seven draws on a myriad genres, from the bluegrass track "She Says It's All Right" to the fast-paced pseudo-punk of "Insomnia." The radio single "Getting By" is a simple pop rock track does not provide the listener with an adequate sample of Sharp's surprising talent to blend Weezer garage rock with a refreshing touch of synthesizers, samples, and silliness.
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