
BMF Holds Elections

The Black Men's Forum (BMF) elected its new officials for the 1999-2000 school year on Wednesday.

Shearwood "Woody" McClelland '00 was elected president. He replaces Keith E. Bernard '99, the outgoing president.

Peter C. Bright '01 was chosen as the organization's new vice president, Isaac J. Weiler '02 was elected secretary, and Jaime A. Williams '01 will serve as treasurer.

Other officers elected were Harrel E. Conner Jr. '02 as brotherhood chair; Desmond R. Jardine '02 as social chair and Yaw D. Osseo-Asare '02 as historian.


More than 20 members attended the meeting to elect the new board.

McClelland, who is also the president of the Chess Club, said he would like BMF to organize a two-part series in its annual Tribute to Black Women to compensate for BMF's lack of such a program this year.

"The celebration [of black women] is our number one priority," he said.

He also hopes to get BMF organized earlier next year.

"We're going to be proactive instead of reactive in terms of planning, reaching out to freshmen and fostering stronger relationships with the Association of Black Radcliffe Women, Black Students Association, and the Freshman Black Table," McClelland said.

Two board positions were also terminated--discussion chair and Harvard Foundation representative. The responsibilities of these two offices were absorbed into the brotherhood and secretary positions.

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