


Is your life going badly? Go see How the other Half Loves. You can laugh as others experience some of life's realities in this comedy about deceit, betrayal and misunderstandings. Through May 8. Agassiz Theater. 8 p.m. $4.

A new student-written and directed play focuses on a Harvard senior who is contemplating suicide. Triad, a drama, will play through May 7. 9 p.m. $4.

Downstairs, you'll find a love triangle, bestiality and much, much more in yet another play, this one called Mud. Through Saturday. Adams Pool Theater. Thursday and Friday 8 p.m., Saturday 2 p.m. FREE.

Sex, scandal, greed, and "All That Jazz." This one's off-campus. Chicago plays the Shubert Theater. Through May 16. 265 Tremont St., Boston. (800) 447-7400. Tuesday-Saturday 8 p.m.; Saturday 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. $25-$70.

Like good food? Want to support an antihunger charity? Have unlimited funds? More than 50 area restaurants will contribute to Taste of the Nation, an annual food fest that benefits the organization Share Out Strength. Black Falcon Cruise Terminal, South Boston. (800) 955-TASTE for tickets. 6:30 to 10 p.m. $50 in advance, $60 at the door.


Expos didn't do it for you? Try an adult creative writing workshop. Mezzanine Conference Room, Boston Public Library, Copley Square. 6:30 to 9 p.m. 536-5400. FREE.

Are you a hedonist? Do you enjoy hedonistic-type things? The International Poster Gallery presents "Sweet Temptations," an exhibit of poster advertisements for chocolate, alcohol, drugs and the like. All posters also on sale. Through Friday. International Poster Gallery, 205 Newbury St., Boston. 375-0076. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. FREE.

If you like jazz and pops, the Mike Stern Quartet, featuring Bob Malach, Lincoln Goines and Dennis Chambers, may be just your kettle of fish. Through Friday. The Regatta Bar at the Charles Hotel. 876-7777. 8 and 10 p.m. $14 to $16.

Spring is here, and the Museum of Fine Arts is opening its three gardens. Art in Bloom, a springtime tradition that highlights the art form of flower arranging, closes today. MFA, 465 Huntington Ave., Boston. 276-9300. 10 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. FREE.

Stagger through the streets of Boston this Thursday with the rest of the Class of 1999 as part of the... Senior Stumble. Begin the night in Cambridge: 7-7:45 p.m. at the Crimson Sports Grille, 59 JFK St.; 7:45-8:30 p.m. at the Bow and Arrow Pub, corner of Bow and Mass. Ave.; 8:30-9:15 p.m. at the Hong Kong, 1236 Mass. Ave. Then head to Boston, red line to Park, green to Copley and do the Boston bars on your own time. Daisy Buchanan's, on Newbury between Fairfield and Gloucester, Back Bay Brewing Co., on Boylston between Fairfield and Exeter, Cactus Club, on Boylston between Gloucester and Hereford, Division Sixteen, on Boylston between Hereford and Mass. Ave. Pour House, on Boylston between Gloucester and Hereford, Dad's on Boylston between Gloucester and Hereford. Buses back from in front of Hynes Convention Center. Look for pocket-size maps in the Houses. You must be 21 to drink.

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