


Pompous Pre-Frosh Still Has A Few Things to Learn

To the editors:

By now I am sufficiently accustomed to the egos of some Harvard students, but the arrogance of pre-frosh Seth K. Bechis blew my mind (News, April 19). Bechis thinks himself so notable that others need to read his story for inspiration If it was necessary for Bechis to submit a three-page press release about himself to Boston newspapers, then apparently his achievements did not merit press attention on their own standing.

Secondly, Bechis' list of past "professions" sounds like the resum of many Harvard students. When he enrolls in college he will realize that many students are math whizzes, musicians, athletes, entrepreneurs, and brilliant scholars. We are fortunate to be have such multi-talented peers, but even more fortunate that most of our peers enjoy learning from each other and don't presume to be the "inspiration" for everyone else.

If Bechis is as smart as he claims he is, he will quickly learn that intelligence and ability are readily recognizable. If he has to proclaim his accomplishments to everyone, then he is trying too hard.


Grace I. Liu '00

April 19, 1999

First Assassin, What's Next?

To the editors:

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